How to Unblock YouTube on Any Device - What You Need to Know

These three methods to open any blocked website like YouTube in Pakistan are for different users according to their usage. 1. Normal Users; This method is for all those who just want to watch videos on YouTube and want to unblock YouTube only for watching videos. All those people are requested to open any of the following websites. www.proxfree YouTube Kids, YouTube & your child's Google Account Unblock videos: Unblock all videos and channels that have been blocked in your child's YouTube Kids app How YouTube works A child whose account is managed with Family Link can use the YouTube app, website, and other features if they are: 3 Ways to Unblock App, Files and Folders in Windows 10 How to Unblock file in Open File – Security Warning. Open the unknown or blocked file to trigger the Open File – Security Warning prompt. In the warning prompt, uncheck the box Always ask before opening this file, and Open or Run the file. If prompted by UAC, click on … How To Open YouTube when Blocked in Office | 11 Awesome ways. Open DNS: Preferred DNS Server: Alternate DNS Server: Now, you should be able to access YouTube. 6. Use a Proxy Extension to unblock YouTube in office. Although this may sound similar to the abovementioned trick, it is quite different.

Sai Charan How To, Open Blocked Sites, Tips & Tricks Open Blocked Sites, Proxy sites, Unblock Youtube, YouTube, Youtube Unblocked 49 Comments YouTube is a very good source of knowledge, entertainment and the funny videos people share on videos can be great stress busters between our hectic work.

and now you'll getting a notepad where ip address like YouTube is there, so you have to remove it from there. Now you can save it. Now you can watch youtube. after watching youtube you can again block it by following the se procedure. but make sure at the very first you have to open notepad as administrator. If you like please upvote. How to Open (unblock) Youtube In Pakistan Without Any Oct 11, 2014

How To Unblock YouTube No Matter The Block! YouTube is not meant to be restricted. Unfortunately, sometimes it is. For whatever reason, whether it is because of a firewall or a geographic restriction preventing you from accessing YouTube at the office, at school, or when you’re traveling in another country, there is usually a very easy way to go around it.

How to use proxy website to Unblock Blocked website. (In