openvpn can do net to net vpns -- you could install it on a server on your shop side.. Setting up an IpCop at the shop with OpenVPN sounds like the best choice since you are already an IpCop
Popular open source Alternatives to IPCop for Linux, Self-Hosted, BSD, Software as a Service (SaaS), Windows and more. Explore 9 apps like IPCop, all suggested and … anwenderwiki:ipcop:ipcop_ovpn_log … (Restart von OpenVPN über web-Interface notwendig) ACHTUNG: Durch ein update wird ggf. diese Veränderung wieder überschrieben. Mit dem Befehl (als root am IPCop ausführen) cat /var/log/ovpn.log | grep "Peer Connection initiated" kann man dann in der neuen log-Datei nach den aufgebauten OpenVPN-Verbindungen filtern. การตดิตัง้และใชง้าน - NFE 2014-6-25 · การติดตั้งและคอนฟิก OpenVPN บน IPCop แบบ Host-to-Net Virtual Private Network (RoadWarrior) 1. ท าการ Enable ssh access บนเครื่อง IPCop 2. ท าการติดตั้งโปรแกรม ZERINA OpenVPN …
IpCop: sono riuscito a fare una vpn net-to-net …
Net-Net IPcop Zerina OpenVPN addon Solutions | Experts I am setting up a Net-Net VPN using two IPcop machines with Zerina OpenVPN addon. I have everything set up correctly but the problem I'm having is possibly more of an advanced routing issue. On my Site-A I have several subnets internally. Ex:,,, etc. Site-B I only have one subnet Implementare una VPN LAN-to-LAN con OpenVPN tra … 2014-4-1 · Implementare una VPN LAN-to-LAN con OpenVPN tra IpCop 1.4.21 e Zeroshell 2.0 RC3 Il sistema operativo multifunzionale creato da Fulvio Ricciardi (autore: Mario Fabiani – )
IPCop Firewall / Re: [IPCop-user] OpenVPN client
2020-6-20 · - IPCop act like firewall between the two lans and - OpenVPN works with roadwarrior configuration (client1 can ping the internal IP of IPCop through OpenVPN tunnel). The problem is that client1 can't ping server1, because IPCop+OpenVPN doesn't forward traffic in the internal LAN. IpCop: sono riuscito a fare una vpn net-to-net … 2020-7-21 · IpCop: sono riuscito a fare una vpn net-to-net con Openvpn ! Stampa Dettagli Pubblicato: 09 Novembre 2015 Creato: 09 Novembre 2015 iniziato le lavorazioni mi sono accorto che non solo la versione in uso non aveva la possibilità di creare connessioni net-to-net con OpenVpn, ma dopo una rapida verifica ho anche scoperto che nemmeno le più Ipcop Openvpn Net To Net - Ipcop Openvpn Net To Net, Ip Hide My Ip Serial, vpn hotspot shield download, secure vpn extension